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Healthy InsideIncreased Awareness: Doctors Discuss Alopecia and 9 Other Scalp Conditions

Increased Awareness: Doctors Discuss Alopecia and 9 Other Scalp Conditions

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Will Smith and Chris Rock’s encounter at the 2022 Oscars has generated a lot of buzz. The incident highlights a topic related to women’s health that is not getting the attention it deserves.

Jada pinkett Smith’s alopecia study was a result of studies that were conducted in 2018. What is alopecia exactly? Alopecia is the medical term for baldness. It affects approximately 6.8 million people in the US. This was confirmed by Dr. Sanam Hafeez Psy.D. a New York City neuropsychologist who teaches at Columbia College.

Dr. Hafeez explains alopecia isata as a common autoimmune disorder that results in unpredictable hair fall from the top. There are two main types of alopecia: alopecia totalis is the absence of all hair on the head; and alopecia Universalis is the loss of hair on the head and body. Jeffrey Miller, MD is the Division of Dermatology Chair at Penn State College Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. He says that this condition can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. In 2018, Dr. Miller told the haircare brand Higher Not Young that hair loss and hair thinning is just as common in girls as it is in men. However, Dr. Miller said that it was not socially acceptable for women to experience and care for these issues.

Dr. Hafeez says that alopecia is linked to anxiety and despair. Dr. Hafeez says that alopecia patients who have experienced psychological effects such as these should keep things in perspective. While it is legitimate to experience feelings of embarrassment or discomfort, she says that keeping self-care at the forefront will assist you keep your overall health in perspective. In an email to The Wholesome, a Dr. Hafeez consultant advised: “Do and engage in things that make you feel stunning and optimistic about yourself.”

Here, health professionals list 10 scalp conditions that are worth learning more about. Subscribe to The Wholesome’s newsletter and learn about the latest in self-care. Also, read The 12 Most Vitamin-Rich Foods for Healthy Aging, by a Dietary Biologist.

If you have a breakout…
Not all scalp conditions are visible to those around you. For example, it’s difficult to see blemishes on your scalp. It doesn’t mean they aren’t there, or that they aren’t painful and annoying. Dendy Engelman MD, board-certified dermatologist in Manhattan and Hampton Bays explains that the main cause of scalp acne is the accumulation of dead skin cells and oil clogging hair follicles. The scalp and hair can be contaminated by bacteria if they are not properly cleansed. She recommends using a clarifying soap, such as REDKEN Hair Cleaning Cream shampoo, at least once per week to control microorganism levels. Another solution is scalp-botox. This will help you to get a longer blowout, and it may also reduce oil production and acne around your hairline.

You have a flaky scalp that is infected and irritated.
If you notice white flakes on your scalp, it’s likely that you have seborrheic Dermatitis. This is a common scalp condition. It’s probably known by another name: dandruff. Consider improving the situation at home with these natural remedies for dandruff. The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City’s Director of Beauty and Scientific Research in Dermatology, Joshua Zeichner MD, explains that yeast is present on everyone’s skin. However, in some people, it can cause irritation.

Dr. Zeichner recommends medicated shampoos such as Head and Shoulders that contain an ingredient to help reduce yeast levels on the skin. You can reduce irritation by reducing the amount of yeast. You should certainly look into how cold showers can benefit your scalp’s well-being.

If you have itchiness, it could be…
Itchy scalps can be caused by a variety of factors. If your itching is not accompanied by flaking or redness, you may not be cleaning your scalp correctly. For that reason, Penny James, an Worldwide Affiliation of Trichologists-certified trichologist and the proprietor of Penny James Salon in New York Metropolis, says it’s necessary to clean your hair and scalp at the very least 4 instances per week. The shampoos on the market now aren’t as harsh as in the past. So, search for products that have active substances and botanical extracts. They shouldn’t contain sulfates or silicones. These products work hard to nourish and moisturize the hair and scalp.

You have thinned hair
Hair growth and other scalp conditions are affected by genetics as well as life changes, such a pregnancy, menopause and weight loss. It is not uncommon for women to experience hair loss at certain stages of their lives. Dr. Engelman says that as we age, our hair decreases in volume, either through balding or receding. Dr. Engelman explains that lifestyle habits such as using hot tools, chemical treatments, brushes and other styling tools, can also damage or reduce hair. She recommends taking oral supplements like iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and protein to support hair follicles. She says that dietary supplements are a good way to boost low vitamin levels if you don’t get enough vitamins from your diet. These vitamins help with hair development, breakdown of carbohydrates and fats, and moisturize the scalp. They also distribute oxygen to cells.

You can see bald patches on a specific person.
According to Dr. Zeichner, if you notice bald patches, it could be an indication of alopecia areata. There are a few sneaky reasons why your hair falls out. In this case, the immune system attacks hair-producing cells resulting in bald patches, explains Dr. Zeichner. If you suffer from alopecia, it is important to consult your dermatologist to get a complete analysis and professional treatment.

Your half is growing wider…
Another common side effect of getting older, primarily in women, is changes in hair density along the frontal hairline. The middle half of the hairline usually widens. Dr. Zeichner recommends evolis, an over-the counter product that promotes healthy hair growth. This hair product line reduces the activity of FGF5, which is a messenger involved in a hair growth cycle, explains Dr. Zeichner. Reduced FGF5 activity will promote new hair growth and strengthen existing hair. Another option is to visit your dermatologist for a platelet rich plasma treatment, which involves drawing blood then separating the red blood cells from serum. “The serum contains platelets that have high levels of growth factors and are injected directly into the scalp where hair is thinning,” says Dr. Zeichner. This gives the hair follicles a nudge to behave like healthy follicles and rev up hair growth.

You have a dry, cracked, and purple scalp.
If you notice any itchy or rough patches on your scalp, it could be eczema. (There are other causes for an itchy scalp). This is a common condition that can affect your entire body. Dr. Engelman explains that eczema occurs when the skin is unable to produce enough ceramides in order to lock in moisture. The result is delicate, flaky, and itchy skin. Although eczema can be hereditary, there are ways to reduce the symptoms. Dr. Engelman suggests using fragrance-free conditioners and shampoos, avoiding hot showers, and not scratching the affected areas.

You feel spots of scaly plates…
James explains that scaly plaques could be a sign of psoriasis. This autoimmune condition is likely to be triggered by trauma, stress and bacterial infections. Unfortunately, this condition has no cure. While the treatment to ease the symptoms varies from person to person, James recommends using scalp lotions or creams that contain tar and Salicylic Acid, such as Neutrogena’s T/Gel Therapeutic unique shampoo. She says that you can also try changing your diet. She says that an analysis shows that a lot of times the elimination gluten, yeasts, wheat and dairy products is a possible contributing factor. The dermatologist will provide better remedies to keep this condition at bay. Here’s how to tell the difference between scalp psoriasis and dandruff. dandruff.)

Your hair is covered in clumps and scaly skin.
These scaly clumps, also known as pityriasis amantacea are an acute autoimmune reaction. Infection, stress and trauma to the scalp can cause swelling. There may also be some redness or a yellowing. James claims that it is easy to remove, despite how unpleasant it may be. First, you need to get rid of these 17 hair-damaging myths. She recommends giving your scalp an almond oil remedy that is hot. Use a salicylic- and tar-containing remedy cream. Use a medicated hair shampoo every day until the condition is under control. She says that in very dangerous situations, hair may fall out. However, it will regrow.

You have cystic acne on your scalp…
The same as cystic acne on your face, it is likely to be caused by increased production of sebum. Sebum is a waxy substance secreted by the sebaceous follicles, which can block pores. James explains that the speed at which we produce sebum depends on genetics, and is influenced by intercourse hormones as well as thyroxine. If you are experiencing this problem, James suggests that you visit an IAT Trichologist. She says that a trichologist can detect the problem and determine the most effective treatment for your scalp after a thorough scalp and hair assessment. Until then, learn what your hair’s trying to tell you about your health.

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